“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel loved”
NOTE: WE HAVE NOT YET FULLY REOPENED FOR VISITORS, please email caclex2000@gmail.com for current volunteer opportunities.
INFO for Ministry of Presence:
Volunteers are needed from 10-1 daily to help in various ways: playing cards or games with our guests, helping in the office, organizing donations, listening to the needs and hopes of our guests--just being present to people who need someone to listen and care about them. Art projects, crafting projects, movies to watch are activities that can give joy to many of our elderly and disabled guests. Any way you can add your open heart, listening ears and compassion to the daily lives of the guests at the Catholic Action Center will be appreciated! Email: caclex2000@gmail.com and we’ll set a schedule that works for you.